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Creating a new instrument

The following describes the process of creating a new instrument.

  1. Create assets for the instrument, including 3D model and texture.
  2. Export these assets in a way that the code can manipulate.
  3. Create a Kotlin class for the instrument.
  4. Write logic to drive animation procedurally from MIDI data.

Creating assets

First, create assets for the instrument. This includes the 3D model and texture.

3D Model

It might be necessary to export the 3D model in pieces for separate animation of individual components in the code. For example, the keys of the piano are separate from the body of the piano, so that the code animates they keys independently of the body.

Make sure each part exports with a transform of (0, 0, 0) and rotation of (0, 0, 0) so that the initial transformations don't offset transformations applied in code.

Free software such as Blender can be used to create the 3D model.

Export the 3D model as an Autodesk Filmbox—FBX—file.


Export the texture as a PNG file. The texture should be a single image that has all the textures for the instrument. It should ideally be a power of two in both dimensions—for example, 1024×1024, or 2048×2048.

Free software such as GIMP can be used to create the texture.

Loading assets

Place assets in the src/main/resources/Assets directory.

Creating a Kotlin class

Depending on the instrument, a relevant class likely already exists—use this class as the superclass. If not, create a new class that extends Instrument.

The following is the hierarchy of abstract classes for instruments. This promotes code re-usability.

    direction RL
    Instrument <|-- SustainedInstrument
    Instrument <|-- DecayedInstrument
    Instrument <|-- ToggledInstrument
    SustainedInstrument <|-- MonophonicInstrument
    SustainedInstrument <|-- FrettedInstrument
    SustainedInstrument <|-- WrappedOctaveSustained
    ToggledInstrument <|-- KeyedInstrument
    MonophonicInstrument <|-- HandedInstrument
    DecayedInstrument <|-- TwelveDrumOctave
    DecayedInstrument <|-- OneDrumOctave
    DecayedInstrument <|-- PercussionInstrument
    PercussionInstrument <|-- NonDrumSetPercussion

    class Instrument {
        The superclass of all instruments, it handles
        common logic:
        - Location of instrument on stage
        - Offset for stacking of instruments
        - Visibility calculations
        All instruments depend on the MidiNoteOnEvent.

    class SustainedInstrument {
        Instruments that depend on the
        time of each note's MidiNoteOffEvent.

    class DecayedInstrument {
        Instruments that depend only on
        the time of each note's MidiNoteOnEvent.

    class ToggledInstrument {
        Instruments that depend on both the
        MidiNoteOnEvent and MidiNoteOffEvent,
        but the instrument does not need to know
        the time of the off event when the note starts.

    class KeyedInstrument {
        ToggledInstruments that use piano keys.

    class MonophonicInstrument {
        SustainedInstruments that can only
        play one note at a time. Extension of the
        Clone class provides common logic.

    class HandedInstrument {
        MonophonicInstruments that use hands
        for animation.

    class FrettedInstrument {
        SustainedInstruments that display strings
        and yellow fingers for animation.

    class WrappedOctaveSustained {
        SustainedInstruments that modulate note
        values by 12, then apply their animation
        to respective twelfths.

    class TwelveDrumOctave {
        DecayedInstruments that have twelve
        drums, where each drum receives events
        for notes modulated by 12.

    class OneDrumOctave {
        DecayedInstruments that have one drum,
        and the drum is hit in twelve different
        locations to represent the note modulated
        by 12.

    class PercussionInstrument {
        DecayedInstruments whose events come
        from a percussion channel.

    class NonDrumSetPercussion {
        PercussionInstruments that are not
        attached to the drum set.

This diagram shows properties and methods in those classes.

    direction LR
    class DecayedInstrument {
        + calcVisibility(Double, Boolean) Boolean
        + tick(Double, Float) Unit
        List~MidiNoteOnEvent~ hits
        List~MidiNoteOnEvent~ hitsV
        MidiNoteOnEvent? lastHit
    class FrettedInstrument {
        - animateString(Int, Int, Float, Float) Unit
        + toString() String
        - fretToDistance(Int, Float) Float
        - currentFret(Int) Int
        + tick(Double, Float) Unit
        Spatial[][] lowerStrings
        FrettedInstrumentPositioning positioning
        VibratingStringAnimator[] animators
        Spatial[] upperStrings
        Spatial[] noteFingers
        Map~NotePeriod_FretboardPosition~ notePeriodFretboardPosition
        Float stringHeight
        FrettingEngine frettingEngine
    class HandedInstrument {
        # moveForMultiChannel(Float) Unit
    class Instrument {
        + calcVisibility(Double, Boolean) Boolean
        + tick(Double, Float) Unit
        # similar() List~Instrument~
        # updateInstrumentIndex(Float) Float
        + checkInstrumentIndex() Double
        + toString() String
        # similarVisible() List~Instrument~
        # debugProperty(String, String) String
        # debugProperty(String, Float) String
        # moveForMultiChannel(Float) Unit
        Double visibility
        Boolean visible
        Node highestLevel
        Node instrumentNode
        Node offsetNode
        Midis2jam2 context
    class KeyedInstrument {
        + noteEnded(MidiNoteOffEvent) Unit
        + tick(Double, Float) Unit
        + noteStarted(MidiNoteOnEvent) Unit
        + keyCount() Int
        + toString() String
        # keyByMidiNote(Int) Key?
        Int rangeLow
        Int rangeHigh
        Key[] keys
        EventCollector~MidiNoteEvent~ eventCollector
    class MonophonicInstrument {
        + tick(Double, Float) Unit
        + toString() String
        + handlePitchBend(Double, Float) Unit
        List~Clone~ clones
        ClonePitchBendConfiguration pitchBendConfiguration
        FingeringManager manager
        PitchBendModulationController pitchBendModulationController
        Node groupOfPolyphony
    class NonDrumSetPercussion {
        + calcVisibility(Double, Boolean) Boolean
    class OneDrumOctave {
        + tick(Double, Float) Unit
        Node recoilNode
        Striker[] strikers
    class PercussionInstrument {
        # moveForMultiChannel(Float) Unit
        List~MidiNoteOnEvent~ hits
        Node recoilNode
    class SustainedInstrument {
        + tick(Double, Float) Unit
        # calculateCurrentNotePeriods(Double) Unit
        + calcVisibility(Double, Boolean) Boolean
        NotePeriodCollector notePeriodCollector
        Set~NotePeriod~ currentNotePeriods
        List~NotePeriod~ notePeriods
    class ToggledInstrument {
        + noteStarted(MidiNoteOnEvent) Unit
        + noteEnded(MidiNoteOffEvent) Unit
        + toString() String
        + tick(Double, Float) Unit
        + calcVisibility(Double, Boolean) Boolean
        EventCollector~MidiNoteEvent~ eventCollector
    class TwelveDrumOctave {
        + tick(Double, Float) Unit
        Node[] percussionNodes
        Node[] offsetNodes
        TwelfthOfOctaveDecayed[] twelfths
    class WrappedOctaveSustained {
        + toString() String
        + tick(Double, Float) Unit
        TwelfthOfOctave[] twelfths

    DecayedInstrument --> Instrument
    FrettedInstrument --> SustainedInstrument
    HandedInstrument --> MonophonicInstrument
    KeyedInstrument --> ToggledInstrument
    MonophonicInstrument --> SustainedInstrument
    NonDrumSetPercussion --> PercussionInstrument
    OneDrumOctave --> DecayedInstrument
    PercussionInstrument --> DecayedInstrument
    SustainedInstrument --> Instrument
    ToggledInstrument --> Instrument
    TwelveDrumOctave --> DecayedInstrument
    WrappedOctaveSustained --> SustainedInstrument

Procedural animation

The best way to create a new instrument is to reference an existing one. However, there are some components that are common to many instruments:

  • BellStretcher – Animates the bell of an instrument by stretching it based on the elapsed time of the NotePeriod.
  • EventCollector – On each frame, it collects MIDI events that have elapsed since the last frame.
  • FingeringManager – Handles the lookup of fingerings for an instrument.
  • NotePeriodCollector – On each frame, it collects NotePeriods whose start time has elapsed.
  • PercussionInstrument.recoilDrum(...) – Animates a drum recoiling.
  • PitchBendModulationController – Handles the calculation of pitch bend and modulation effects.
  • Striker – Provides common logic for objects that animate with a striking motion, such as drum sticks or mallets.
  • VibratingStringAnimator – Animates vibrating strings, as seen on the guitar, violin, and others.

The jMonkeyEngine documentation is a good place to start for learning how to animate objects in jMonkeyEngine.

Registering the instrument

Register the instrument in the buildInstrument function, located in the InstrumentAssignment class. Use existing instruments as a reference.